
A lung screening saved my life! It’s alarming to think that I would have been walking around with no idea that cancer was growing inside of me - until it was too late. I’m so grateful to the team at Virtua.” —Teresa N.

Teresa’s early-stage cancer was successfully removed and her lung function preserved thanks to a lung screening and Virtua’s experienced thoracic surgery team. Today she is on the move and breathing easier.

Who should be screened?

You may be eligible for a lung cancer screening if you meet the new criteria recommended by the US Preventative Services Task Force.
  • Age 50 to 80
  • Current or former smoker
  • 20 pack-year history*
*Pack Year: The number of packs smoked daily multiplied by the number of years of smoking. Example: 1 pack a day x 20 years = 20 pack-years

What to expect.

A lung screening is a non-invasive, low-dose CT scan that can detect lung tumors and nodules at an earlier and more treatable stage.

  • The screening is covered by most insurance plans if you meet the screening criteria.
  • Virtua offers reduced rates for those without insurance coverage.
  • Virtua’s lung nurse navigator will guide you through the entire process.
  • Locations for a lung screening include Berlin, Camden, Marlton, Mount Holly, and Voorhees.
  • If you have a suspicious finding, Virtua’s comprehensive lung program includes an experienced thoracic team that’s part of the Penn Medicine | Virtua Cancer Program, and provides access to the latest treatment options in South Jersey

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Thank you for taking our lung cancer risk assessment.

Lung screenings are the only way to detect early signs of cancer when it’s at its most treatable stage. And in its early stages, it often has no symptoms, that’s why it’s important to schedule a lung screening today.