
Stories of success.

As an exterminator, Bryan Weiss grapples with some pretty tough adversaries: ants, spiders, termites, roaches, and other creepy crawlies. But for years, what really bugged Bryan was lingering pain from shoulder arthritis.

Check out Bryan's story and learn how we helped him get back to feeling like his best self again.

Minus shoulder pain, what would you be doing?

Maybe it's hitting the court for a round of tennis? Maybe it's dancing around the house with the speakers turned to 11? Or perhaps it's a simple walk around the neighborhood?

The point is, your pain should never hold you back from doing the things you love. Get started by requesting a consultation with a shoulder specialist at Virtua Orthopedics & Spine. Let’s get there, together.

Shoulder Conditions treated includes:

  • Rotator cuff tear/injury
  • Labral tear/injury
  • Shoulder dislocation or separation
  • Fracture
  • Tendinitis
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Bursitis
  • Osteoarthritis

Shoulder Treatments offered includes:

  • Physical Therapy
  • Pain Management
  • Shoulder Replacement
  • Minimally Invasive Arthroscopic Surgery

Virtua Orthopedics & Spine

Let's make shoulder pain a thing of the past.

Look, we get that shoulder pain isn't fun. Chances are, it's getting in the way of enjoying the little things in life. But today is the first step in feeling like your best self again. For issues big or small, from nagging aches to maybe something more serious – our team is devoted to getting you back in the game, literally and figuratively. To request a consultation with a shoulder specialist at Virtua Orthopedics & Spine, simply fill out the form below.